Inspired by the concept of the traditional "corner store" that was once prevalent in city neighborhoods, Kornr Store seeks to recreate that experience in Detroit's historical NW Goldberg neighborhood by rehabbing its first Kornr Store, a +100-year-old neighborhood market located at 6224 16th Street. The Kornr Store model:

  •  supports existing solutions against food desserts by providing a variety of fresh and healthy food and beverage options
  •  is a neighborhood amenity
  •  has a physical, walkable location within a neighborhood footprint,  and 
  • is an economic catalyst within the neighborhood.

You can find out more about the Kornr Store development by visiting the website, Kornr Store

Kornr Store, the neighborhood market
working to change the world, one neighborhood at a time

Brinda Devine with Eve Picker

Watch YouTube for for  Kornr Store Construction Highlights

Reimaging Ferry Park/ 2020
Existing Conditions Report 2020
Framework 2020